Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Aim: To explore a mechanic to limit abilities for player of firefly in my project

Method: Unity, C# programming

Result: I am exploring a mechanic to stop light from firefly character to make the ability which can generate collision for shadow to be unable to used. Basically, the idea is to create a dandelion structure object which has a bright center to be around by a couple of floating components. The components are tending to move to and float around the strongest light source. Once main character is moving onto a trigger, the light on the dandelion is going out and components are finding and moving to firefly character which is the only light source in the scene. The firefly’s ability will be locked when it is surrounded by these components.

Discussion: This mechanic could be a valuable method for me to provide limitations on player and puzzles could be also designed based on this mechanic. I would like to improve it further with art resources form my group members in studio 2 and explore more possibilities about this mechanics in the game.

About This Work

By Ang Li (Leon)
Email Ang Li (Leon)
Published On: 16/09/2021

