Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week's theme has to do with visualizing sound, but since my personal Studio projects are related to comics and are more static, I decided to focus on projects, and here's a note about this week's work.

1.This week I basically decided on the layouts of the comic. Since the final display is on the web page, I chose to use the long picture to merge the panels, so that I can master the effect of the final view on the web page, so as to guide the reader to read.

2.This week I sorted through the previous feedback from the IOL and added some keyframes to the comics such as the door and the crow. And completed part of the comic line draft. In the creation process, I tried to guide the reader's reading order with the continuous movements of the camera and the body of the characters.

I am happy to got some layouts and panels, but still need to note that the style between two chapters need to keep same, so the first chapter need to be change later.

About This Work

By Rui Liu
Email Rui Liu
Published On: 18/08/2021