Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Aim: Produce mechanics that based on time and rhythm for game development. Test these mechanics to explore and try to verify some ideas for my studio project.

Method: Unity, C# language

Result: According to the theme of time, I have produced a time rewind function to record motions of a group of objects during a period. Once rewind function is active, the objects are back to their starting locations. The second scene is a level which requires player to hide behind obstacle to avoid damage based on a simple rhythm. After finished the rewind function and level build, I have tried to combine these functions together to bring some uncertain element to rhythm of my level. One of the obstacles is going to be broken in the half way and player will need to repair it by active rewind on this obstacle to create a safe area.

Discussion: Through these productions, I have explored mechanics that could contribute to my studio project. The rhythm of gameplay could strongly affect gameplay experience. I should design the rhythm based on reasonable arrange it to be compact or relaxed for my game.

About This Work

By Ang Li (Leon)
Email Ang Li (Leon)
Published On: 13/08/2021

