Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


To test time portal animation incoporate the idea of stillness


Make different components of the animation still. Animated in TV Paint.


In class I tried to think of the objects in my project that can be re-iterated with the theme stillness or pause. I create four pieces of animation of time portal rolling over and over again.

      A: Both the swirl and the radial pattern are moving, the former moving clockwise and the latter moving anti-clockwise.

      B: The swirl is still and the radial pattern is moving.

      C: The opposite of B

      Final one: The portal is moving as A in a stone frame.


My concept is that I would like to create a whirling animation which indicates the status of time portal. It was activated so it would keep spinning. The first thought is A but it was not yet incoporate the idea of stillness. I tried the stop one of the component still as in B and C to see what happened. I found B is not working as the swirl occupies most of the scene, when it is not moving, the scene looks stiff. C works okay but I thought there might be a better way to express the idea stillness. I thought of the reference photos where each time portal has a frame. The result was quite satisfying because the environment is still and the portal itself is moving, it creates a contradiction letting the focus turn to the center of the scene. I could create a bit of object that encircles the moving time portal in my project.

About This Work

By Cindy Wang
Email Cindy Wang
Published On: 08/05/2020


IOL, IOL_Week09_s1_2020, Illusion of Life, animation