Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I started off with working on the lighting of the character. I looked at many movies and I saw that they place a flashlight under the chin to make the character look scary. I then added light under the chin for my character. This creates an unnatural look and distorts half of the image. This also builds tension and leads the audiences through the scene.  

I really like watching horror movies and the most thing that scares me is the movement of a scary character. So I started playing around with the character movement. I wanted to have the character move in an abnormal way so that it can bring fear and creepiness.  I first tried animating my character in a forest scene. I wanted to see how the character would look while it’s walking around the trees. The results turned out to be pretty funny because it seemed to be a zombie walk. It also looked like the character was dancing. I was not happy with the results because I wanted the animation to look scary and creepy rather than funny.  

I started working again in a different scene. I thought about animating the character stand up in an abnormal way with distorted body. I really liked the way I animated it because it seemed so creepy. 

About This Work

By Taniya Ahuja
Email Taniya Ahuja
Published On: 03/06/2019