Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I started making animations. I want to apply this week’s theme of stillness to camera animation. Once I finished my animation, I find out it difficult to make camera movements. Because the 3d camera can be moved to any position at any time. And even I follow the frame number, the camera movement looks weird. So I’ve tried to move it around and try to think about what I want the audience to see.

I finally settled on a still camera after a few edits. Because when the character moves, the camera movement can make the audience lose focus. The picture will be very cluttered, and it will also cause the story to be unclear.

The final version used very little camera movement, which I thought helped me express the story more clearly to the audience.

I'm editing the camera movement for the final version now, and the cough shot has also been changed to a still camera. The fish swimming freely before the cough and the fish facing the main fish after coughing are two separate files. Because technically I couldn't animate the school of fish from swimming randomly to facing him, so I tried different camera angles to make the audience understand the reaction of the school of fish. The last two files are after he coughed and the camera came to the top to see the overall reaction of the fish. This going to be my final cut.

About This Work

By Zhang Jingyi (Vida)
Email Zhang Jingyi (Vida)
Published On: 24/10/2022