EXPERIMENT I: work with simple lines/scribbles only
EXPERIMENT II: work with simple shapes only
EXPERIMENT III: work with a combination of lines and shapes.
Keywords related to the sound:
bounce, digital, order, sharp, chaotic, horror
Aim & Rationale
My aim is to create a specific feeling through the exercises and see if they can let the viewers think or imagine something beyond.
I got a rather long soundtrack(No.6), so there will be constant changes in the content. I firstly force myself not think about what are those sounds in the real world, then I start to come up with the keywords, after that, the impression of these keywords, and how to express them in an abstract way.
During the animating part, I tried to express the initial part with the feeling of a bouncing ball, followed by the sound like dialing the phone, I decided to use the relatively angular figures and lines to express a digital sense(The Matrix, I really did use a green data look-alike thing at first, turned out not abstract enough). Then, there were a few sharp and harsh sounds, in my first impression, they were not comfortable sounds, and pretty annoying, so I changed the color first and used red (plus I like a black, white and red palette) and expressed it with sharp lines and triangles. The last part gave me the feeling of chaos, just infinite chaos, and I chose messy lines and fast-changing patterns for this.
Because I have to listen to this piece of the soundtrack so repeatedly, I would narrative it in my subconscious, so in the third exercise, I created a murder-crime-scene-like story through the combination of lines and graphics. I did not add any elements for the last part, I just left the whole black there with the sound, and I feel that this helps create a feeling of unknown fear and unlimited imagination for the story that I found in this soundtrack. This exercise helps me with my studio project in creating a specific feeling and makes me better understand the skills of some rhythm and suspense in the narrative process.
By Yuchen Henry Wang
Email Yuchen Henry Wang
Published On: 26/03/2019