Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


 Create simple animated machines using the shape, line and other tools of your choice in Toon Boom Harmony to explore motion and colour. 1920 X 1080 , 24fps. Sequences no longer than 20 seconds each.

1) Pick 3-5 different movements of your own body (they could be anything from a sneeze to a jump to a strange wringing of your hand)

2) Create simple animated machines made from shapes and lines to enact these movements.

3)Animate these movements in 3-5 separate experiments

4) Experiment with one of these animations or combine aspects of each to explore the use of many different colour schemes to evoke a different experience for the animations.

5)document your intentions and subsequent ideation for the pieces.


The body movements I animated is a foot, an eye, and my double-jointed thumb. I found this exercise more challenging than the previous ones, as I had to use a combination of transforms and hand-drawn techniques in Toon Boom. In the final composition, I thought of creating a surreal and unsettling landscape with these animated body parts. I also chose to use a neon-coloured palette to give a virbant and playful look to the end result. I would also like to integrate sound in this composition, given the time. I intend on exploring simple animated movements akin to machines, or locomotives as I engage in my project proposal of human traversal and abstraction. 

About This Work

By Carlo Tolentino
Email Carlo Tolentino
Published On: 18/08/2019








IOLW04_S2_(2019), IOL_S2_2019