Rythem and timming trials, (to assist with studio 1 project when animating in 3D)
Flame trials:
Aim: With the flame experiment, I was looking to acheive a realistic timing of fire. My hunch was to keep the drawings loose so that it would apear more natural.
Method: Hand drawn, Tv Paint
Result: When the small and large flame's were combined, they did not sync up, but had a fire-like movement individually.
Discussion: These experiments will be a helpful reference when creating fire and other elements using particle emmiters later in studio 1- as I am more aware of how fire needs to move in order to look realistic, and am better able to ensure that it won't end up looking too computerized and stiff. Next time I would fix the timing, shapes and rythem of both flames to sync up as one. I would also like to randomize the rythem and timing more, to acheive a more realistic look.
'Futeristic Tent' Trials:
Aim: The aim was for the 'tent' to be hovering off the ground, also in a 'realistic' a way as that can be, so that it appears believable in it's setting. The second trial (with a pink dot moving across the front of the tent) was to test how the tent would look spinning. The dot could be a button (without perspective), or could more likely be a light flitting around its middle, (to add interest.)
Method: Hand drawn/key framing, Tv Paint
Result: The bobbing had a calm rythem to it, which I would like to keep working with in the scene. The dot could have been key-framed to the same bobbing movement, so that it could be seen as part of the tent. The timing of the dot traveling around could also have been synced with the bobbing movement, or could be flashing on and off.
Discussion: The results of this experiment showed the potential of syncing different timing to seperate attributes of the 'futeristic tent' scene to create fun rythemic movements so that the setting can work better as a whole.
By Gigi Hart
Email Gigi Hart
Published On: 26/03/2021