Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Option A
Choose at least 3 different sounds that relate to the ideas of your own project or an aspect of your practice direction. 

EXPERIMENT I: work with simple lines/scribbles only
EXPERIMENT II: work with simple shapes only
EXPERIMENT III: work with a combination of lines and shapes.


*first piece: shakey, long, calm, swing
*second piece: low pitch, stretch, echo, shaking
*third piece: intense, sharp, moving, pause, threatening
Express the theme (spider) with simple lines and shapes in animation
Use the lines and shapes that are different from the impression of the sound that I heard

2D animation in TV Paint

1. Use sound of bells to show the spider web
2. Use sounds of bass strings to show the bouncing shape
3. Use the last sound to show the movement of spider

After writing down the key words as a guide, I explored the possibilities of each sound. Each piece of the audio have repeat sounds so I decided to do the animation slightly different to see which one works better. In the end, for the second piece I could not think of other way, so it remains only one shape and moves one way.

For the strings, I think the second string works the best. The vibration of the line really fits the sound. For the bouncing shape, I feel like I do quite well on the shaky shape although it is very simple, In terms of the word 'threatening', the spider moving animation was not very successful as the shape of the spider itself and the legs are round. I was not paying attention that I used to draw things in round shape which makes the character cute. I had a really useful suggestion from Clarice that even if I only change the legs into sharp angles, the spider would look more threatening. I would apply these findings to my later works.

About This Work

By Cindy Wang
Email Cindy Wang
Published On: 27/03/2020


IOL, Illusion of Life, animation, sound, IOL_week03_S1_2020