Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week we each chose an adjective and given the task to create an animation to embody it. The constraints included only using a single black shape against a white background.

I'm aspiring to a VR experience that encourages the user to turn their attention inward, to focus only on the present moment. This exercise has prompted a question, should the experience grab attention initally, then gradually work to take less and less attention as the experience progresses. If the answer is yes, then I have a better grip on how to grab attention. I hope that understanding what demands attention will help me design an experience that does the opposite.

This star shaped object is a spiky shape associated with pain. There is an analogy in the process of meditation for people with chronic pain, we're working on acknowledging and accepting the spiky shaped pain sensations. Giving the pain sensations the attention they are demanding, but (the big, bad, challenging but!) without reacting with muscle tension, without other guarding behaviours and without an emotional response. 


  • Thinking about the ways movement communicate concepts, moods and character
  • Sketching outlines for movement before moving characters


  • Complicating the movement before stepping back and reflecting on impact of simple movements


  • Focussing on goal of experience to help viewer/player to turn their attention inward

About This Work

By Amanda Belton
Email Amanda Belton
Published On: 19/03/2019