Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Ideas to work towards throughout IOL

The Idea

As most of my practise is centered around 3D and/or Games I wanted to strengthen my 2D skills. 

In order to do this i was thinking around two ideas

Idea no 1:  2d and 3d Intergration (mood board 1)

The first mood board shows a collection of 2D and 3D intergration shorts in movies amd games. There have been some scenes or movies where 3D and 2d has tried to be intergrated and I haven't liked it. 

I would want to explore exactly what did I not like ?

What do I like ?

How do I best get this to work?

Idea no 2: Movement in Nature (mood board 2)

How is movement of natural Phenomena ( Water, Clouds, Plants etc) animated in 2D

3D animation of these thing often relies on simulations to work.

What does 2d animation bring that is missing in 3d ?

What key features or behavour make it work in 2D?

What simplications can or should be made ?

Some ideas would be to use the individual week to practice elements and use these elements in a final project at the end of the idea

Another Idea - In 3d How can we break away from expected results

What if keep the movement from a scene only and throw away everything else

About This Work

By Chris Jones
Email Chris Jones
Published On: 08/03/2020


IOL, Week1, IOL_week01_s1_2020