Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week’s work was far more productive for me as I was free to work on the theme I had undertaken. It enabled me to keep investigating the sound derived animations. I tested some sensitivity-based parameters to see how well do they work with flow and interruptions.

My work is guided by the guided by sound driven generative animation that I direct in a frame. I am making good progress with this query as I try and test various aspects and aesthetics of it. Illusion of life has become a very useful medium for me to investigate and narrow down the methodology of my animations for the studio. So much so that I am finding myself more and more entwined into learning and testing form based animations that use sounds as a drive.

I would say it was a fairly successful exercise because the outcome of the test was exactly what I was hoping for if not better. At the end of the render, many people I shared the work with felt good about the idea and I received positive feedback. It was this very exercise that lead me to my final work for this subject.

I came across an excellent work by a studio that gave me inspiration to make my animations.

Iteration is a must if I wish to develop this new found process and tools. I will continue to keep informing myself of better ways to use this process and create a piece that reflects my intentions best. I would have to test the density of the particles and types of sounds that would generate relatively stable outcomes. Playing with different attributes of audio react is imperative as it will inform me of the patterns and flow the reactor takes.

I feel that music visualization and mapped movements certain provoke a mood in the viewer and that is what I must explore with my work.

About This Work

By Homie
Email Homie
Published On: 02/06/2019


IOL (2019) Week 9