Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Over the course of Illusion of Life, I regularly attended online tutorials and used the class time as an opportunity to get feedback and notes from my classmates and tutor on my iterative work. I also made my required presentations through the semester and was active on the Microsoft TEAMS channel. It was difficult for me to reach out to other posts people made because I was very consumed by my major project and I could have done better. I also had catch ups with Nick at times. I would nominate myself  10/15 for community engagement becaause there is room for more community reach to be done by me, but I appreciated and took on the responses and advice.

Week 3 

Week 6 

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

About This Work

By Hattie Read
Email Hattie Read
Published On: 04/06/2021


IOL, Illusion of Life, animation, IOL 2021