Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I am currently at the stage of the animation where I have the character enter the black portion of the canvas. To properly elicit the right feeling of the physics in this area, I had to iterate a few ideas that would help corroborate the effect. I wanted the area to feel more “floaty”, reminiscent of the gravity in space or the viscosity underwater. I had to start brainstorming what effects I could utilize. I decided on creating air bubbles instead of sludges that were prevalent during the first portion of the animation to impart the sense of being trapped underwater. Effects that would fall down would now rise up showing that it has less density than whatever the black wall was made of. I need to keep ingraining these ideations that will help carry my project visually without the need of other sensory perception. However I may need to consider and stop focusing so much on eye-candy and worry more about concluding the animation as I near the final seconds of the animation.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 02/05/2018


context, production


illustration, written


minor work


IOL, iteration, IOLW09, Week 9