Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Gifs don't work on this site (unless they're the first one in the queue, apparently), so please click here for my animation tests!

  • This week was a bit... bitsy, in terms of experimentation.
  • The first part of the week was spent attempting to revise the dialog sketches I did last week, to match the feedback I'd recieved from Nick.

    I added a bit of bounce here and there, and tried to make the cashier's body language less symmetrical to make it feel a bit more natural. Also, I bit the bullet and blocked in finger movements. I'm worried that I might be over-animating, though, so I might do one last pass at these and tone it down a little. (Especially the hat.)
  • I've begun linearting the "sneaking into the back room" cutscene I programmed last week. It's slow going as I have to keep certain body parts on different layers in order to tween 'em. ...And also I'm using PhotoShop instead of actual animation software. But! We're making headway.
  • Besides that, I also did some idle brainstorming sketches for future experiments. I started by sketching out more dialog portraits for the cashier. Most of these actions were large and showy -- wiping sweat off her forehead, looking around nervously, etc etc. Though I have also considered "subtler" movements, such as a slight tilt of the head or scratching her waist.

    Having too many "big" animations could cause a given dialog scene to feel cluttered, while too many straight shots of her talking can make scenes feel dull. So -- nice to have some very simple things to break things up without being a huge attention grab.
  • Other sketches included a more action-oriented scene, which I then storyboarded in photoshop. The timing's off and it's missing actual... like, frames, but it was fun way to test out screen layouts.

    Might flesh this one out further, depending on how much time it takes me to complete the scenes and animations I'm already working on.

About This Work

By Courtenay
Email Courtenay
Published On: 02/10/2020