Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week I decided to focus on iterating the “tribulation” aspect of my project, something Helmut had suggested during the feedback process. I need to keep doing this test exercises where I take one sequence of the animation and alter it in granular amounts so that it’s been altered just enough to engender a different feeling.
For example in this instance my first iteration of the sequence had more single frames and less repeated frames during the tug of war sequence where he struggles with the wall. This didn’t evoke the right amount of tension so I stopped doing this. My second iteration improved on this issue somewhat by segmenting in additional frames to further perpetuate the adversity. However still not satisfied, I prolonged the frames even further for my third iteration by double framing portions of the frames that involved the most tension. I really liked the result I got through these iterations so much that I need to start doing this for other beats in the animation. I hope that as I become more accustomed to this methodology I will be able to leverage more outcome using this technique.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 25/04/2018


context, production


animation, written


minor work


IOL, iteration, IOLW08, Week 8