Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Now that I had settled on an inquiry to work upon, I’ve began doing different tests to help support it.

My Inquiry was: How could I portray the different tribulations of object interaction and character transformation within the silhouette art medium through the use of principles of animation?

All my motivation and significance stems from this inquiry. I want to keep using the silhouette art medium to isolate all other techniques that could potentially aid me in showing the tribulations of character and object interaction. Using silhouettes will force me to rely on the principles of animation as well as negative space to truly engender the proper response from the audience. However all this serves as an ulterior motive as it only pertains to me. So I needed other methods to engage the audience on the surface level and this is where my tests comes in.

My tests would begin with a non malleable, restrictive bipedal character that plays with boxes. The whole concept seemed very frivolous and boring. So I stopped doing this and began embroidering the canvas with gooey jelly-like effects with high viscosity. Not only is this effective in the sense that it gives the animation eye candy, but it also serves a purpose by implying that this caricature of a man could possible be transformed into other entities. I also began to animate him conjoining with certain objects conjured up by the black wall to further corroborate this pretense.

I plan to further these tests and start giving the static 50/50 wall background some vitality by having it move and in essence becoming a character itself.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 21/03/2018


context, production


animation, written


minor work, prototype


IOL, IOLW03, Illusion of Life, Week 3, Testing