Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Created this proof of concept using a Makey Makey and Unity, to demonstrate the possible tactile interactions of Heartree (touching the tree trunk and holding onto the ropes to generate sound). Had to braid my own ropes from strips of coloured paper and leftover string from delivered parcels, as I couldn't go out to buy any materials due to the COVID-19 situation. I've ordered a bunch of materials online via eBay, but they have yet to arrive. The tree trunk interaction (hand) is activated using conductive thread.

Had to look up some tutorials on how code the fading in/out of audio within Unity, and activate those on keypresses. An interesting insight is the limit on simultaneous keypresses is dependent on the type of keyboard I have. 

Worked for the most part, but found the touch sensing a bit unreliable when my hand was cold or dry. This may be an issue moving forward, as the touch may not produce consistent results and cause frustration in the player's experience. Will look into other options.

Temp music credits: Omaticaya Clan by Cirque du Soleil Musique and various sound clips from GDC Game Audio Bundles.