Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week I've been reading, researching on alternate head movements in VR, like turning right to make the scene go left or to make a camera follow on a sphere (for xyz) or a circular spline like (second photo in link :  

~ to change relationship on rotation of head movement to the camera!! , 

Also, reading on styles and tutorials I want to experiment around and experimenting - 2d styled 3d textures, color, vr videos , shorts-music videos

Question in the video: can I link this parameter to headmovement of a VR headset or 360? // I was planning to look into unity but bumped while experimenting around this in c4d if I can do it within c4d with some external plug excluding unity. // trying to find a way around`~

About This Work

By Sahaj Garg
Email Sahaj Garg
Published On: 06/08/2018