Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Objects are Not Exhausted


morphing madness, henrique barone

When I got this theme, I was thinking use the object beside me as my project. So I use the stone on the desk and start to consider what characteristics stone has.  The most obvious features for the stone are hard and dead. At the same time, I want to link the exercise with my studio,  which themed by viruses. Stones can’t be infected because they are not alive. But what if stones can be infected? I find the reference on vemio which is a seamless procession of wonderful 2d  morphing animation. the author is good at using transitions to link different images. what impressed me is the animation of waterdrop at the beginning.


I ‘ll change the characteristics of stone to make it soft and alive. I will use TVPaint to draw 2D animation for the stone. I’ll let viruses drop on the stone and make it looks like infected.


I use a purple water drop to present virus, because the virus is too small and hard to make both of stone and virus in the same frame. When the virus drops on the stone, I ‘ll make a deformation due to the force. Then the stone begins to boil and grows tumors. When I focused on this project, the most difficult thing is how to make the other thing to influence the main object. I think it is a good way to make a brainstorm to list all the characteristics, it helps me a lot.

About This Work

By Ang Li
Email Ang Li
Published On: 03/04/2019