Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme “Characters and Events”, I created two illustrations by using procreate.

By doing these two illustrations, I show a frog finding some discarded fishing gear, and it climbs to the shore, using a fishing rod to capture the other creatures. The character comes from my studio 1 project, who is a god with a frog appearance. He uses a fishing rod to capture items from the mortal world. In this week's work, those fishing gears can be seen as the environment, when a frog climbs to the shore and gain these items, its role has been changed, from prey to predator, and this change also affects its action.

My inspiration comes from a short animation, called Fishing Bait, it depicts a story about the relationship between the prey and the predator.

About This Work

By Zihao Zeng
Email Zihao Zeng
Published On: 27/05/2022