Night at the Museum (movie)
Damien Hirst, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
Spirited Away (anime movie)
Boris Carloff - In The Sky - 360° video
A container that views a VR world with day and night with charter walking.
At the start, I want to make something with VR videos. But I end up with not much time to do a complex exercise, I try to make it simple but I still want the ideas of showing the ideas of how we using a container to save our history such as the museum.
Then I heard from someone say 'I can do something quick and simple on Adobe AE for my exercise', and I come up this idea of using 2d to show a fake 3d video. Then I just start drawing on Tv Paint and try to make a 3d look in AE camera.
By Yung Yu Ho
Email Yung Yu Ho
Published On: 14/05/2019
CPS, CPS W8, CPS Week 8, Character place and simulation, after effects, drawing, exercise, ideas, tvpaint