the relationship between character and the environment
League of Legends
How the website makes background story for the player to make them believe the character’s live in.
Amanda recommends a book
'The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation' by Thomas LaMarre
3D photos in Facebook
The ideas from some other artist.
I want to create a 3d photos using my studio2 project character.
In the first test, I just grab photos for testing the method. After making sure it works, I start to think one situation for the moment for the character. Then start to draw the background.
Tutorial for 3D photos on Facebook
The first tutorial shows have to download the application ‘Depth Can’, but have to pay for the application. In the second application, shows have to rename the image with ‘_depth.png’ then Facebook will do the rest with upload the image.
In the process, using the gradient of black and white to show the layer of the image.
By Yung Yu Ho
Email Yung Yu Ho
Published On: 14/05/2019
CPS, CPS Week 7, Character place and simulation, character design, drawing, exercise, ideas, sketch