Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Object


I found a lot of interesting photographs of miniature art. The author, Tatsuya Tanaka, is an art director, designer, and photographer from Japan. He has been creating miniature life scenes on a daily basis since 2011. It is his website . There are massive excellent miniature art photographs.

And this video used food and cooking material to make a stop motion animation.

Refer to these two examples I came up with an idea that use broccoli and aluminum foil to make a stop motion animation.


I explored those two objects by making stop motion animation. I set my phone and take a series of photos during changing the girl’s position and pose. Then compose these photo to animation in AE


I let the broccoli pretends to a tree and made a girl wearing a long dress by aluminum foil. The long dress could help her stand on my desk so I can place her closer and closer to the broccoli and take photos for the process. And aluminum foil is easy to be molded so I can change the girl’s arms to different positions.

Broccoli is green and alive which likes a tree, and aluminum foil’s color and reflection give people a cold feeling. So I used the two features of broccoli and aluminum to develop the story: an aluminum girl freeze the trees. And when she freezing trees I try to add light effect by changing my table lamp’s intensity.

About This Work

By Qiannyu Ma
Email Qiannyu Ma
Published On: 27/03/2019