Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In Response to this week's theme of tinkering, I made an ornament by using waste bookshelves, crayons, pieces of paper and cotton swabs. The original shape of this small bookshelf is very much like a butterfly, so I made it into a butterfly. I use random colors to cover layers to achieve the effect of mixed colors. I think this is an experiment in color and materials, because I have never used crayons to draw on wood. Lydia Ma also created similar works. She used different media to create many art works, such as stone, bottle, wood, cotton swab, knife and so on. She also believes that art can produce different results in different media, and the use of waste products around is simple and easy to use, which can give everyone the opportunity to experience the fun of art in life.


About This Work

By Lu Zhang Luna
Email Lu Zhang Luna
Published On: 11/03/2022
