Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of Forces, I wanted to create a series of objects that obeyed to the following rules: lines are continuous, no colour, must consist of at least 3 different shapes.

I wanted to create a series that focused on something that looked industrial so I ended up creating shapes and drawings that featured cityscapes, trees and smoke. My series anchored around the shape of housing. I wanted to create both still and animating pieces so I created 3 pieces via Animate that resembled live drawing and 2 pieces on photoshop that took more of a pattern format. 

During the process, I was thinking of the EscherXNendo exhibition at the NGV and also thinking about my memories from doing still-life where we were not allowed to look at our work and could not lift our pencils from the paper as an exercise. 


About This Work

By Iris Ng
Email Iris Ng
Published On: 05/06/2020