Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

For week 9 of CPS we discussed design system that guides us in making many iterations. I thought this lesson would be a good opportunity for me to practice and experiment with new illustration styles that would let me draw and animate much faster and simpler.

I wanted to come up with a list of rules that would restrict me in terms of illustrating because I feel like I take too much time on one piece with over-detailing

  1. Pen pressure off
  2. Only use the lasso fill tool to colour/shade etc
  3. No layer effects

I decided on the three rules because my personal art style focuses a lot on varying line thickness and overusing layer effects. I’ve also noticed I spent an unreasonable amount of time colouring using brushes. The lasso tool is slightly messier but infinitely faster in comparison.

I was inspired by Chommang_drawing on youtube that regularly produced fast but lovely  croquis sketches. I also wanted to produce works at a faster rate but still aesthetically pleasing.

#kaykay #kkcpsfolio2

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 07/05/2020



