Xianyao Li - s3875720
CPS week 9
This week’s theme is about the relationship between character, events, and environment. The environment formed the characters, which made their way of doing things, and outcomes of those actions reinforce how the environment be like as well. This concept really made me keep thinking about the theory called 'self-fulfilling prophecy', the opinion or prophecy about something or somebody really make them become that way.
In responding to the theme, I wrote a short story to show this kind of relationship and draw concept art as a poster or cover of the story.
Scene 1: A goblin (or a dwarf) walking on the street
‘Look there is a goblin, ugly, short, and weak.’ An elf said with a Contemptuous
‘Weak? Look at the muscle, not like you, skinny like a tree.’ The goblin thought.
Scene 2: Factory hiring workers
‘You can go now goblin, you short and weak, I am not let you touch my goods.
And you elf, come with me.’ Said the elf manager.
Goblin: ‘….’
Scene 3: The goblin sleep on the street, because no one wants to hire him, he
has no income.
Hundreds of elves procession across the street, yelling something about ‘We
want higher wage, elves are equal!’
Goblin: ‘It is a strike, this is an opportunity, I have to take it, I am so hungry
nearly dead.’
Scene 4: Goblin got a job during the procession. When elves came back from
the procession.
‘Look, traitor! We all promised that no one is gonna work today! That’s what
strike means! I told you goblin are Shoddy creatures, they have no faith, they
pursue nothing, only to live like a brute!’
‘Yeah, traitor, he is a traitor, lowest creature!’
Goblin: ‘……’
Scene 5: After the strike, elves back to work with a higher wage, the goblin was
kicked out by the manager. He is trying to get another job from
other factories.
‘What? No one gonna hire traitors, what are you talking about, now get out!’
The elf employer said.
Goblin: ‘……’
Scene 6: Goblin cannot find any work, no one want to hire him, they all called
him traitor, but he knows he has no choice, if there is a strike, he
will go replace those elves, every time. Because he is starving every
day, the last time he ate fresh bread was five days ago. Elves fight
for a higher wage, he fights for subsisting. But the more times he
‘stealing’ those jobs, the less chance that he can be hired because
everyone knows he is a ‘traitor’. He is walking on the street, look at
other goblins and now he knows why elves think goblins are weak
because he is as weak as they said, a short, weak ‘traitor’.
By Xianyao Li (Lee)
Email Xianyao Li (Lee)
Published On: 06/05/2021