Theme: Time as Material
I wanted to create a universal feeling of time moving, hence the contents of a bottle flowing in and out. As I was quite limited with time and resources while away I decided on using Procreate's new gif making features that were released in a recent update. This led me to finding a great Youtube tutorial to which I took some ideas from to make a short gif. (
Using the app Procreate on an Ipad I opted for making a short, minimal frame gif. After gaining information from the tutorial listed above I wanted to have a shot at creating interest out of negative space, such as the diminishing liquid from the bottle of L&P, a New Zealand favourite.
As I had only ever used photoshop to create gifs, using this app was a lot more user friendly and very streamlined. Although I do believe I conveyed my idea well, I do think that my gif would have benefitted from more frames. With the way that it is at the moment I feel that it is slightly choppy and would benefit from a slight bit more smoothness.