Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of time, I drew a picture by using Photoshop. By drawing a young girl undergoing the aging process, I'm hoping to capture some of the change and growth she's experienced over the years. As a child, she was very fascinated by the world, therefore she captures everything with her eyes. As she grew older, she became more sensitive about the shortcoming of her appearance, and she lost confidence. She has lost her facial features because her beauty is all determined by others. However, as she aged, she learned to ignore other people's judgments and become herself again.

Similar work has been produced by Louise Bourgeois, whose work ‘10AM IS WHEN YOU COME TO ME’ explores this theme by a multipart work, consisting of twenty hand-painted sheets of musical score paper depicting the hands of Louise and her assistant Jerry Gorovoy. The fluctuation in the angle of the hand's location is the major feature of these diagrams. Every 10 am, Louise's assistant picks her up and takes her to the studio, where he helps her with her business and allows her to fully immerse herself in the world of art. They became invaluable partners in each other's achievements. This graph may depict their day or maybe decades. What makes it so powerful is the feeling it evokes. (References:

About This Work

By Ziqi Li (April)
Email Ziqi Li (April)
Published On: 31/05/2021