Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

** NOTE: there are soft colour changes in a relatively short time frame so could set off light sensitive people

In response to the theme of Time, I have created a short day night cycle animation using simple colours and shapes using Clip Studio Paint.

By showing the passage of time at an accelrated rate using the different shades blues, purples, and oranges for the sky along with the actual sun and moon travelling across the sky, it helped to emphasise this passage of time. I added in more objects such as clouds and a person leaving their house to travel somewhere in their car as a way to create a small slice of life scene. The animation can loop to create an endless time cycle.

Similarly, Firewatch by Campo Santo has a day to night cycle which predominantly is illustrated in a simple manner. As shown in this video, <>. There are small series of events that happen throughout the different time periods to create more interest while still showing the passage of time. I was inspired by the scenery to try and create my own.

About This Work

By Chase Profaca
Email Chase Profaca
Published On: 25/04/2022