Theme: Time As Material
In response to the theme of Time As Material, I made a game using Unity(2020.1.0b1).
By playing this game I showed a different way for the player to control time in a video game.
Similar work has been produced by PixelManiacs , whose work Escape the Loop (Not yet released) explores this theme by reversing time.
Game Introduction:
This is a 2D shooting game, where the aim is to survive as long as possible.
There is 4 portal gates on the map and will continously summon new enemies. Player and enemies will shoot automatically, and the bullet is all the same--enemies will kill each other and player's bullet will hurt player it self.
The player has the ability to create a field that time will stop inside this field. It will cost energy to create a field and dead enemies will drop enegy supply box for the player to resume energy. The size and duration of the field is controllable by hold mouse right button and drag the mouse, however, both size and duration of the field will influence the amount of energy cost.
Key Binding:
W, A, S, D or arrow keys to move
Move Mouse to change shooting direction
Hold and drag Mouse Right button to generate a time-stop-field, drag horizontally to change the radius, drag verticlly to change the duration of the field.
R to play again
Esc to quit the game
The project file is too large so I put it into my Google Drive.
The build version is just down there.
By Deno Zhang
Email Deno Zhang
Published On: 23/04/2020