Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity




Tv paint


I made a little animation about time, using montage to show time. The little girl in boots walked down the road, and as she walked, she became an elegant woman in high heels.

Montage to show the time is very common in animation, such as the wife in 'up' to help her husband tie a tie, the husband's tie is constantly changing color to express the change of time. In animated narrative course, watching source of week8. There's a wonderful transition in Kon Satoshi’s animation about time. 


Kon Satoshi :

3:11 A shot of a girl getting old

6:44 The famous good morning shot


It also takes a long time to make a small animation. When I finished the walking cycle, I tried to apply the movement of boots step to the high heels. But it didn't work, because the way of walking in heels is completely different from the way of walking in boots. Finally, I found a reference in high heels to make my movements more accurate. 

I drew walking cycle in TV paint, moved the cloud in after effect, and then did the sound effect in premiere. 

About This Work

By Zoe Zhang
Email Zoe Zhang
Published On: 25/10/2019