Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

THEME: Objects are not exhausted


Projection mapping that transforms spaces, and creates different meanings as we see and experience spaces:

Stephanie Andrew's work with stereoscopic vision, and how spaces can define other spaces, and different realities existing simultaneously.

METHOD: To explore the concept of Object Oriented Objectivity with an urban landscape's buildings (my object/s). To visualize in After Effects, footages, and rotoscoping techniques, what would it be like if buildings had dreams that transform itself and the space it occupies. 

RESPONSE:  A video that visualizes if buildings had dreams, and that those dreams or visuals could transform the whole building and our perception of it. Visually, I also wanted the buildings to feel as if they are portals to different spaces, or spaces defining entirely different spaces or objects. Does the space or object define the building, or the building define the space or object?

About This Work

By Carlo Tolentino
Email Carlo Tolentino
Published On: 03/04/2019






minor work


CPS, CPS Week 5