Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Discussion of Place


Some examples of ‘the environment can also tell stories’ were discussed during the lesson. Then, I asked myself ‘can the environment itself be a game?’. Then I found some inspiration from the Internet by reading/ watching the following links:

Illustrated 360° environment

How to illustrate the 360° environments with Photoshop


I followed the tutorial to illustrate the 360° environment in Photoshop. Then, the illustration was uploaded to the 360 Tour Creator so that I can share the environment to the others with a link.



I was not familiar with Photoshop and it was a bit challenging to draw in a 360 environment. I tried to answer my question by creating a very simple minigame in the 360° environment. Following the tutorial, I uploaded the illustration to Facebook but it sucked. There are also some tutorials about editing 360° images as video in After Effect. I failed because the software cannot recognize my image as a 360° image from its metadata. Fortunately, I found the 360 Tour Creator which is developed by Google. In my studio work, I try to optimize the user experiences so that the user can understand the game effortlessly. This project helps me to practise that in a different medium. It is not an interactive medium like Unity, how to convey the message simply within an image?

My work can be viewed as a 360 environment in the following link:

About This Work

By Margaret Wong
Email Margaret Wong
Published On: 22/08/2019