Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Place - to make with place and consider how an environment can dispense new information.


I will take photos of multiple locations and attempt to alter mood and tone audiences associate with the location through the manipulation of angles, colour and lighting.


Suits Season 8 Opening Credits -

My initial thoughts came to the shot composition of establishing shots in Suits, the TV series, which utilised strong perspective shots of Manhattan buildings to convey the significance of the locations, and therefore the significance of the characters who occupy these locations.

Makoto Shinkai Style Painting Tutorial -

My secondary thoughts led to Makoto Shinkai's unique background art style, which exaggerates colour to produce a setting that feels more lively and vibrant than the real-life counterparts he captures.


I started by imposing significance and appeal to locations by attempting to capture them from a high and low angle, but quickly became more interested in how colour and lighting affect the mood and tone of a location. After playing with colour correction, I recalled Makoto Shinkai's exaggerated manipulation of colour that serves to "liven up" realistic background art, and decided to follow along with a tutorial in the essence of his backgorund art style.

About This Work

By Ben Mansur
Email Ben Mansur
Published On: 27/03/2019








CPS, CPS Week 4