Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

My method for the week was 'What artefacts of belonging, present in a space, can tell stories that language can't?' I was also inspired in this idea partially by Tracey Emin's 'My Bed'.

I was absent for the week on 'Place' so I undertook a task at home. Mainly preoccupied with the 'place' around me, I became interested in how certain objects build 'character' in a space - we can become dependent or inseparable from our surroundings based on the posessions we decide to keep. For example, I looked particularly at the places my cat enjoyed living around; to someone who visits this place and sees cat fur & a food bowl, it's clear that I own a pet, which then ties into my character as a person.

It's also interesting to see the places that my cat has made 'her own'; the spaces she chooses to inhabit within my house are like a window into her personality that she can't share through language. I can see that she likes warmth as she sleeps at the foot  of my bed, but has a bed downstairs for when she doesn't want to have to put up with a roommate (rude!). Given how dirty her bed is, you can also tell she's a cat who really enjoys rolling around in dirt. Space is an important way to bring out and express the character of those who reside or move within it.

About This Work

By Katherine Wright
Email Katherine Wright
Published On: 09/04/2019








CPS, CPS Week 4 2019