Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Found Objects

Method: 2D Illustration  and 2D Animation.

Context: In context of Young and Rubicam Paris  art works for Ocean ads.


I accidentally encounter a used nylon bag on the street, which is definitely not the item anyone would bring home. Then I saw some campaign ads about how people been littering to the natural environment, and I found it related ironically. Things we don't want to be in our home simply go to others homes (anywhere but OUR home) and it such a "pleasure" for those who received those "unwanted gifts". Thus I come up with an idea of illustrating "things you throw away doesn't mean others who get them as good things", which presents outcome as an 2D art and short animated vignett.

About This Work

By Bach Pham
Email Bach Pham
Published On: 14/08/2019