Theme - Tinkering as Method
Context -
I've been interested in procedural generation for a while and I've used some simple techniques in some things I've made. My studio practice is really concerned with using procedural generation to build layers of narrative in a game world so I'm trying to play with different procedural generation tasks in Unity. This week I decided to experiment with generating a mesh that could grow.
I watched a great introductory video to procedurally generating meshes from YouTuber Brackeys.
I've previously done the following tutorial on procedural terrain generation, more as an exercise in understanding proc-gen techniques than anything else.
Method - I want to use Unity to try to program a mesh that grows. I'll start by generating a cylinder mesh and then try to extend it.
Response - The screenshots depict the result of this experiment.
Procedural mesh generation is hard. There is a lot of fiddly maths involved and it's application seems very limited. I think I got stuck on the math and couldn't find my way past it. Interesting none the less.
By Nick Margerison
Email Nick Margerison
Published On: 07/08/2019