Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to week threes theme of “Found Objects”, I created a 3d model based off a plastic cat skull that had lost its body at a store and so I was able to obtain it for a dollar. I struggled to come up with ideas, but by imbedding it into a candlestick and candle, I tried to incorporate the skull into a bigger object than itself. It was no longer exclusively a skull, but rather a feature in an object bigger than itself. 

Similar work of unique sculptures that have antique items incorporated have been created by Jessica Joslin. She explores the combination of two objects to create one big object through her metal works, and creates steampunk like creatures.

Joslin, J 2013, Miette, antique brass hardware, Jessica Joslin, <>. 

About This Work

By Chase Profaca
Email Chase Profaca
Published On: 07/04/2022