Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to week twos theme of “Tinkering”, I created a plasticine set combining it with the use of pencil sketches. By using a mixture of both 3D art and 2D art, I got to practice how different elements can create different feels in the environment. I was tinkering with a new medium that I have little practice with to get a better understand how materials work for a digital modelling process. 

The short film Vincent created by Tim Burton helped to inspire me into working in a similar manner to the stop motion films through using plasticine. Burton's work also reflects the theme of tinkering as it was this short film that lead to his career and influenced him in his infamous style.

Vincent 1982, short film, Walt Disney Productions, directed by Tim Burton, video sourced from <>. 

About This Work

By Chase Profaca
Email Chase Profaca
Published On: 07/04/2022