Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

A short summary of the work

There is one creature living on this planet alone. He has nothing but a chair and an umbrella. He is so bored. He just wishes to have fun.

One day, a meteor shower happens. He is so happy. He jumps to his feet and looks up to the sky. When he is in awe of what happens, the meteor shower starts crashing down. He panics and jumps, hiding behind the chair to protect himself.

After everything calms down, he is so curious about the meteor. He then goes on a journey of touching every meteor, trying to activate the projection within the meteor.

Brief introduction

Most of the works that I produced over the semester are animation, and one that is not an animation is actually a 3D modelling. Therefore, I decided to create an archival object that could represent what I produce throughout the semester, which is an animation. When planning for the archival object, I also decided to implement one of the themes CPS taught me, the character, environment, and events, into my work. I honestly cannot express how much love I have towards that theme as every element in that loop affects each other and brings life to an animation. For example, the crashing meteor shower affects the action of the creature, the creature’s action affects the position of the chair, and it affects the places the meteors could land on. 

I decided to use a barren planet as my location as it can be depicted as an open-air cinema. The projection is my attempt of trying to imitate what happens in a cinema in the real-life. The meteor shower is actually inspired by Animal Crossing, in which the player could make a wish and get the star material. It is used to bring fun to the lonely creature living on this planet. When the event calms down, the crashed meteors will become part of his playground. He would no longer need to be living with only the chair and the umbrella.

The planet creature is actually a character I created to represent an audience who reacts to my CPS objects. It is what I imagine would be like if someone sees my work. The creature also represents me as an artist. He goes onto this journey of playing with the meteors non-stop and ends up with a tiring body, just like how I am right now. I have been working continuously to produce content for almost 3 months and it is really a time for me to take a short break.

For your information, the archival object is edited with playblasted video but not rendered video. The reason is that I did not have spare time to render the work as it would have taken away my computer for a long period of time and stopped me from doing anything else. Also, I still needed to work with the sound design of the archival object. Nevertheless, I will try to render out it during the holiday so that I could have something in better quality for my portfolio.

About This Work

By Yee Hui Wong
Email Yee Hui Wong
Published On: 05/06/2020








CPS, archival object, cps archive, CPS Week 13