Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

My take on our week 1 theme, Observation, I've created a quick and thought out painting on a coffee cup in Photoshop. Using the abandoned coffee cup as a base to my work I have imagined how we depend on coffee to boost start our mornings. I tried to mix reality with imagination into this piece as my thoughts were flying off into the distance as I gaze into the cup. 

Using bright pastle pallete colours were out of my comfortzone but it was a great success. 

Looking into an artist with almost a similar artstyle who goes by the name XMIO whos work can be found here:

This was more of an exploration in artstyle and in the use of bright colours. 

About This Work

By Kim Dela Cruz
Email Kim Dela Cruz
Published On: 10/03/2020








CPS, CPS Week 1