In response to this week's theme of observation, I have produced a pixel art piece using Aseprite. My subject for this piece was a mirror in my room, and by composing this piece, I have presented my representation of the mirror. In multiple cultures across the world, mirrors signify the truth that dwells within people's minds and hearts. Mirrors, in media are used to portray a reflection of one's true self. The piece I have made signifies the internal struggle faced by a person suffering from mental illness - a struggle that is, in most cases, invisible to others and sometimes even the person themselves. With observation as the theme for this week, I thought that using a mirror as the subject of my creative piece would be fitting, as mirrors allow one to observe the true reflection of themselves. A similar work has been produced by Diego Velazques; Las Meninas(1656), a painting that raises multiple questions about reality and illusion, creating an uncertain relationship between the viewer and the figures depicted in the painting.
By Oneeb Bin Nauman
Email Oneeb Bin Nauman
Published On: 17/03/2021