Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of ‘Forces’, I created 3 random and incredibly different ‘objects’ with Microsoft PowerPoint. All 3 objects are intentionally different as a form of limit testing and understanding. The first object is a vintage radio to test basic flat understanding and to try to develop a 'working' style, the second object is an interesting vase for pattern/shade/color testing, the third object is a large room with a sofa, two paintings and a lamp for overall environment testing.

 By limiting myself with default shapes, default colors and no text of any form allowed, I showed constraint/design restrictions and its forces that create an overall simple style. Deciding to do the objects in relative 3D was a slight challenge. It forced me to approach the object’s creations in a rather modelling-like aspect, utilizing edges from simple shapes such as circles and squares/rectangles to create a more overall complex shape and or pattern. Adapting to the default color palette also made me rather conservative with said colors. Really placing emphasis on shading and brightening up the original colors of the most ‘forward facing face’. In addition, it was interesting to create with a merged thinking of how one goes about modelling objects and drawing objects. It felt like the foundations of the objects were heavily traditional art based, with layers and keeping track of what is ‘in-front’ of each shape, and the rest revolved around utilizing each aspect of the shape in a modelling form.

 Similar work has been produced by Tatsuo Horiuchi, whose work of creating extraordinary art with MS Excel explores the theme of ‘Forces’, by its limitations and the resulting style that comes from the adaptation with a very pixel-art looking result.

About This Work

By Pei-Ju Lai (Janifer)
Email Pei-Ju Lai (Janifer)
Published On: 13/05/2021








#CPS, #CPS Week 10