Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week’s theme is about the relationship between character, action, and the environment. We are asked to develop and study relationships between them.

in response to this week's theme, I am trying to discover the relationship between WIND and the environment on top of my idea created from the OOO theme in week 5. What if a wind travels to a town from a mountain? What events happen when it reacts with the environment? What is the feedback from the environment?

Then I have come up with a story to tell their relationship:

Wind reacts with the flower (saying goodbye to it) and its journey starts.

It slides down from the hill and is getting faster and faster. Suddenly a building pops out of the ground and stops the wind.

The wind tries to go around it but there are buildings everywhere it goes.

It is trapped inside the area surrounded by buildings.

It moves around and searches for a way out, but it fails. It is getting angrier and angrier which eventually turns into a tornado and swallows all buildings, people around him.

People escape from it and then build a giant hoover to fight against it.

The tornado is sucked into the hoover little by little. The Giant tornado disappears.

The wind left behind swings and flies gently in the sky. Some part of it goes back to the countryside to find the flower and it carries some bricks and leaves with it.

Then another journey begins when the wind travels to another town again.


In the design, the action and the movement of the wind are most likely to be shown through sound. The level of sound varies to present the change of energy in it. To better elaborate it, I have divided the level to 10 degrees where 10 is the loudest one which represented the strongest energy in the wind.

When it stops, the sound level is 0. When it travels faster and slides down from the hill, the level of sound rises from 1 to 8. When it turns into a tornado, the energy level is 10 which implies its internal state of anxiety, anger, and emotions. This is a way for the wind to react to the change in the environment when things do not go well.

By morphing the wind into a tornado which also acts as a symbolic effect of its anger and scare, I am trying to present It as feedback of the wind to the environment when it is trapped. It decided to swallow the buildings.

The act of people building a giant hoover to fight against it is the feedback from the environment when the wind reacted. When one part getting emotional, the other aspects also evolve to a stronger emotion to survive or exist.

the design of the wind to carry some bricks and leaves on it after the battle is a subtext for the evolution of the wind in that environment. It learns something from the relationship with the environment and tries to fit into it bit by bit. The wind and the environment are in a Symbiotic but also competitive relationship. They cannot live without each other in that designed world, but they are also competing to get more spaces. Both parties evolve and learn from each other in different aspects.

By creating this story, I am also trying to include the competition and symbiotic relationship between humans and the Earth. If the Earth dies, we die. Our civilization and infrastructure often be destroyed by natural disasters. It’s a cycle of rehabilitation and destruction over and over again.

Similar work has been done by Pixar in its movie called “WALL-E”, in which the evolution of the character is designed through its action, character design and event.

I am looking into the relationship between WALL-E and the environment. Obviously, he is a machine designed for working in the landfill. but when he becomes the only "living machine" there, he builds his house, get his pet, starts his collection while still doing his job (handling the rubbish). He evolves and tries to survive in that situation.

Pixar. WALL-E (2008). Youtube.2013.


About This Work

By Chow Vian Wing Yan
Email Chow Vian Wing Yan
Published On: 06/05/2021




animation, illustration




#CPS, #CPS Week 9