Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


I wanted to work on mini game in my studio work but I am new to Unity and Playmaker. It drove me to try tinkering with Unity and Playmaker. I watched a few videos on destroying the objects after clicking an object with the mouse. Then, I started to experiment on it.

Links of reference tutorials:
Unity playmaker tutorial
Cube changes colour upon mouse clicks

Watching different tutorials on Youtube and try out different things in Unity with Playmaker.

Firstly, I followed the 'destroy object' tutorial to destroy the sphere by clicking on it. Then, I started to play with the colour of the sphere. The second tutorial was about changing the colour of the sphere by clicking on it. I tried to interchange the colours of two spheres on clicks. I failed in my first trial but finally did it after modifying the commands in playmaker. After getting success in interchanging the colours of two balls, an idea of making a stream of balls with changing colours on clicks popped up in my mind. It's a precious experience for me to have my first attempt on Unity with Playmaker. I enjoyed it a lot and it did help me to get familiar with Playmaker and Unity!

These are the videos of my attempts:

About This Work

By Margaret Wong
Email Margaret Wong
Published On: 07/08/2019