Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

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I have decided to present my CPS work for the semester in an interactive digital portfolio. Since my work covers a variety of mediums - including large illustrations, mini-comics, and a small working game prototype - I figured that this would be the easiest and best way to showcase them all. Users can play my week 1 prototype within the engine, zoom in on artwork I have drawn, and view sequences of images as a slideshow. Each piece also has its own foreward, explaining the context and thought processes that went into making them, as well as how they relate to my practice.

In terms of aesthetics, I have fashioned my portfolio in the style of a shelf with a number of curious objects on it. I thought this would be fitting, as much of my CPS work revolves around environments with a focus on the items that characters use on a daily basis. Each set of objects directly relates to that week's work in some way, and was drawn specifically for this menu.

About This Work

By Courtenay
Email Courtenay
Published On: 12/10/2018