Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Explore the place, make with the place.

Method: Exploration. Observation. Photographic Record. Digital Intervention.

Context: Land Art.


To develop something around this theme, I started from the basics of Land Art, which concept is approached through the space and nature exploration (plants, dirt, seeds, rocks, wood, etc) as resignification and intervention tools.

The main idea was to create land art pieces, where the environment will be an essential part of each piece, this the intention to give a coherent and consistence visual style or aesthetics. However, this exercise took me to the exploration of the Microworlds. As I started to take the photographs of my interventions, I was getting really interested in how different these scenes looked through my cell phone camera and what could happen if I play a bit with them through photoshop.

The results along with the whole process were very fun to me, the forced me to do something different, to try to see the world from a different perspective, a perspective that maybe we haven’t even imagined yet.

About This Work

By Adrian M.M.
Email Adrian M.M.
Published On: 09/04/2019